Advice on choosing your perfect fireplace
Choosing a fireplace can seem like a daunting task. At Chesneys we tend to give the advice that you should choose the fireplace you like the best. There are, however, factors we can help you with like advising on the size, matching a fireplace to the age of your house and creating bespoke chimneypieces for rooms which need something a little different.
The best thing to do if you want to discuss a fireplace is to pop in to one of our branches in London or to your local stockist. This means that expert sales staff can advise you on the age, style and size of your fireplace. While in the show room staff can advise you on costs and time scale. They can also advise on maintenance and cleaning, advise which you can also find on our website in the information section.
Before choosing a fireplace or even beginning the ‘journey’ towards having one we would recommend you get your chimney swept and tested and contact your local council for details on what you can and cannot burn in your area.
The best advice we could give you though is to choose a chimneypiece you really enjoy looking at. Whether it’s the focus of the room or just something to put photo’s on the chances are you’ll have it for a very long time.
Author: Eve Richens – Sales/Admin Executive
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