Stove Installation
User manuals and instructional videos
User manuals and instructional videos
While some stages of the installation are suitable for someone experienced in general building practices, others like the installation of appliances for solid fuel, flue lining, and the sweeping/testing of flues must be carried out by a suitably qualified professional. Installation of stoves, flues and their related appliances are governed within the UK by Building Regulations approved Document J 2010 edition.
The PDF documents below provide further information on the preparation and installation of stoves and their associated products.
Wood & Multi Fuel Stove User and Installation Manual
4WS MK3 Series User and Installation Manual
5WS MK3 Series User and Installation Manual
8WS MK3 Series User and Installation Manual
Solstice 5WS Series User and Installation Manual
Initial lighting and curing process
Fire Brick Information – Skamol Statement
Stove paint application instructions
Chesneys guide to wood burning