Hygge, the Danish word and concept for a complete state of happiness as a result of being cosy and contented, has become an increasingly popular way of life for those seeking an escape from the busy, fast-paced world we live in today. Lagom, the Swedish lifestyle trend meaning ‘just the right amount’ is the latest Scandinavian way of living to hit British shores. Hygge and Lagom represent lifestyles suited to the realms of luxury and sustainability, so what better way to achieve them than through a Chesneys clean-burn wood burning stove.
Hygge can be achieved in many ways. From spending time with loved ones to lighting candles, baking and indulging in your favourite foods, it’s all about what makes you feel content; that fuzzy on the inside feeling. For us, it’s all about bringing the outdoors inside. This means collecting a pile of seasoned, dry logs and sitting by a roaring log burner with friends and family. Essentially, it’s making the most out of those winter months when temperatures are low and daylight disappears at 4pm.
As the season of chilly days, warming stews and mulled wine by the fire sets in, all thoughts turn to making the most of your indoor space and how best to keep warm for the winter months ahead. Our wood burning stoves are economically designed to deliver a long-lasting, efficient heat source thanks to our clean burn technology. This, accompanied by their beautiful and timeless design, means that a wood burning stove might just be what you’re looking for if you’re exploring the wonderful concept that is hygge.
In 2018, we’ve seen Lagom begin to dominate the interiors world, with a key focus on moderation and the idea of ‘not too much, not too little’. The craving to embrace the Scandinavian way of life is clearly growing year on year and while hygge is a luxurious, self-improving and at times indulgent way of approaching daily life, the new era of lagom is pointing towards a more modest and ecological routine — to create a ‘balance’ in your life. Lagom is more of a way of living that hygge, which you could argue is a state of bliss. Lagom, on the other hand, allows you to approach daily routines with sustainability and balance in mind: only using what you need.
Chesneys wood burning stove range — from the 4kw to the 12kw power outputs — is manufactured to be as efficient as possible. They employ an award-winning clean burn technology; making them suitable for use in smoke-free areas in cities and throughout the rest of the UK. This also means they’ll generate a lot of heat while using a minimal amount of fuel. Of course, for true balance, it’s important to know which stove represents the most practical choice.
The two can easily work in unison. In fact, when it comes to home heating solutions, they actually work hand in hand. The collection of wood burning stoves from Chesneys offers not just the most luxurious heating solution on the market, but also one of the most eco-friendly and sustainable. As such, it’s an easy approach to embracing these two popular Scandinavian lifestyles.
At Chesneys we believe that a fireplace or stove is a vital and central part of any room during the autumn/winter months. The enjoyment and relaxation one can derive from watching the flickering flames of a roaring fire through the clear glass screen of a wood burning stove is a classic example of hygge. The efficiency and ease of use of a Chesneys stove also means that it can be used for long periods of time to satisfy family and friends spending valuable time together — especially over the festive season.

Hygge: Settle in this autumn with a good book, hot cuppa and the comforting heat of a wood burning stove. Shown above is the Burlington Fire Surround £2,200 with Beaumont 8 Series Wood Burning Stove in Autumn Leaf £1,975
For those wanting to truly embrace the lagom lifestyle, considering eco-factors in one’s home and interiors is a big part of this Swedish concept. Since wood is a natural material and when seasoned properly and burnt in the correct way with the right equipment, it is the perfect lagom choice for heating the home: sustainable, environmentally friendly and cost-efficient. The air wash system employed by a Chesneys wood burner will ensure that little to no harmful particulates are put out into the atmosphere. For more information, you can discover our wood burning stoves range. Alternatively, just head to your nearest stockist. For more updates follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest.

Lagom: Wood burning is a sustainable, environmentally friendly way to heat the home. Shown above is the Beaumont 8 Series Wood Burning Stove in parchment £1,935
Need help?
If you need more information or some assistance making a selection from our large range of products, don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Chesneys have a range of accessories that include contemporary and traditional fire tools, fire screens and a selection of interior panels