At Chesneys we take our responsibilities very seriously and strive to make our products as environmentally friendly as can be. All Chesneys wood burning stoves are DEFRA exempt for use in Smoke Controlled areas. This means a Chesneys stove can be safely and legally used to burn logs throughout the UK. The clean-burn and air-wash technology which our stoves use means the polluting by-products emitted the by initial burning are re-ignited and burnt again in the stove. The double combustion substantially reduces emissions and contributes to a cleaner, healthier environment. The majority of the Chesneys wood burning stove range are now Eco Design 2022 Ready or going through the final stages of testing.
What is Eco Design 2022?
If you’re in the market for a Wood burner, then you need to be aware of Eco Design stoves. Eco design 2022 is the stove industry’s response to the DEFRA Clean Air Strategy which aims to improve air quality and reduce emissions and pollution. In relation to stoves, it aims to tackle three key areas; Limit the sale of polluting fuels, Improve the efficiency of stoves and update legislation regarding Smoke Control Zones. At Chesneys our stoves exceed regulations, giving you piece of mind as well as a well heated home.
Eco Design is a European-wide initiative designed to lower emissions from Stoves. In 2015 DEFRA stated Eco Design as the method it will use to improve efficiency and reduce emissions from solid fuel stoves.
What is required to be classed as Ready?
Chesneys Wood burning stoves have been independently tested by an approved test laboratory. They have exceeded the strict emissions and minimum efficiency criteria and are classed as SIA Eco Design 2022 Ready. Test results are verified by HETAS and listed accordingly on their website. Only eligible stoves carry the SIA Eco Design ready label.
From the 1st Jan 2022, it will be illegal to manufacture and sell new stoves that do not comply with the Eco Design regulations. By purchasing a Chesneys stove which is Eco Design 2022 compliant means you will benefit from superior performance and lower emissions – perhaps even as much as 80%.
Independent research has shown that typical Eco Design stoves are 90% more efficient than open fires and 80% on stoves from 10 years ago. Research carried out by Kiwa Gastec.
Discover more information on our eco-friendly stoves. Alternatively, head to your nearest stockist. For more updates follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest.