
The perfect Mother’s Day celebration

Our Outdoor Living Collection lets you celebrate outdoors all year-round    


As soon as we reach Spring, and the temperatures start to rise, we all want to enjoy the outdoors more. What could be better than celebrating Mother’s Day in the garden, enjoying the perfect Spring BBQ? 


To help you to treat your mum this year. we’ve prepared a celebratory menu, and offered some helpful tips for keeping warm, with or without an outdoor heater. Each course can be cooked on one of our Outdoor Living dual-function machines but equally can be prepared in your kitchen too.  


Our unique dual machines offer a huge amount of warmth when in heating position but also cook beautifully when switched to cooking mode. Outdoor heaters are a game changer for getting the most from your outside space but even with this addition we would suggest a few extra things to guarantee everyone is warm during early spring

  • Use layers – dressing for the outdoor temperature still makes sense and ensures everyone will enjoy the experience. The benefit of layers is that you can adjust when the sun comes out (or not). 
  • Blankets across the knees – we’ve all seen them in swanky outdoor restaurants, and they work brilliantly in making you feel cosy and protected 
  • Avoid the breeze – ensure you position your table out of the wind and if you have any natural windbreakers i.e., walls or garden buildings, use them to create a little microclimate  
  • Use an umbrella – if you have a garden umbrella or canopy, use it. Even if the sun isn’t a factor, it will help to make the table feel enclosed and reduce any breeze from above  
  • Prepare hot food – it might be spring, but it may not yet be salad-season. There are plenty of summer seasonal dishes that will feel right outside but will also help to warm up your mum and the other guests  

 As for the perfect menu, it’s obviously down to what your mother enjoys. There is nothing more enjoyable than having a menu tailored to you. That said, here’s our suggestion, from our own outdoor recipe bank, that you can use to inspire you this year or cook on your own BBQ. 


Starter – Mediterranean Baked Peppers      

Main course – Seafood Paella                   

Pudding – Roasted apples    


You only get one mother and so it’s definitely worth treating her well on her special day. Hopefully with these suggestions and our special ‘thank you’ menu, you can make it her best celebration of the year!


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